May 20, 2012

In an interview in 2003 David was asked his favourite co-stars:

"The three guys in this - Jim Broadbent, Adam Godley and Nigel Lindsay - are pretty hard to beat. I've worked with all three previously on different things, but we never had any scenes together so it's nice to have some now."

When he says 'in this' he is talking about the play Pillowman at The National.  Jim Broadbent was in the movie Bright Young Things with David, they appear on screen briefly together in the first scene you see David in the magic trick, however they do not interact with each other.  Adam Godley was in the RSC production of The General From America, he played Major Andre the man who persuaded Benedict Arnold to turn traidor.  David played Col. Hamilton who was loyal to General Washington and who would later become the USA's first Secretary of the Treasury and is on the $20, so you can see why they didn't have any scenes together!.  Nigel Lindsay was in the cast of Push Up, but that play was actually three playettes with two people in each.  David did his scene with Jacqueline Defferary.