This was the second day of a five day recording session at Soundhouse Recording Studios, West London.
3:00pm Here's a familiar face - David Tennant spots me in the car park and says an enthusiastic hello. We met a few weeks earlier at the recording of Big Finish's Sympathy for the Devil. Apparently, he's recording a Radio 4 adaptation of Terry Pratchett's The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents; when David found out that Doctor Who was being recorded in the studio next door, he sweet-talked Wilson Milam into giving him a cameo role. "I play Caretaker Two," he says proudly. "It's very hard not to get excited. I would kill to do more of these." David is a fully-fledged, card-carrying Doctor Who fan. "My granny even knitted me a long Tom Baker scarf. And a cricket jumper! I used to jump around the back garden making up my own stories! As I got older, I'd make up my own seasons!" In the back garden? "Yeah - casting myself in all the parts. Oh God, how embarrassing."